Saturday, November 16, 2019

Retirement Data: Fidelity Plan Balances Q3 2019

Please click on chart to enlarge
Source: Fidelity

From Fidelity's press release on November 14, 2019:
  • Average 401(k), IRA and 403(b) balances decreased slightly in Q3 2019. The average 401(k) balance dipped to $105,200, less than a 1% decrease from $106,000 in Q2 2019. The year-over-year average balance is down just over 1% from a record high balance of $106,500 in Q3 2018. The average IRA balance dropped slightly to $110,200, less than half a percentage point from last quarter and less than 1% lower than the $111,000 balance one year ago. The average 403(b)/tax exempt account balance dipped to $88,000, less than a 1% decrease from last quarter but up slightly from Q3 2018.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

November Market Update - Always Data Dependent

The S&P 500 gained 2.04% in October, ending at 3,037.56. The trailing 1-year return for the S&P 500 as of October 31, 2019 improved to 12.02%. Every market cycle has it's seasons and we currently have four big investment themes influencing investors and thus, the markets: 1) indexation 2) momentum trend following 3) buybacks 4) Central Bank manipulated price discovery (as opposed to natural price discovery). As market observers, we can see all four of these factors impacting markets. To learn more about where we are as we enter November please watch Danielle DiMartino Booth's presentation at the Stansberry Investment Conference 2019 titled: Still Fed Up. If you want to learn more about her, you can read her bio. Now, let's review price, sentiment and valuation as we enter November 2019.